Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Is the world ready for BAGman

I have been saying for the longest that I was going to start a blog, and I guess now is as good a time as any. When you come to this blog there is no telling what I might write about. My interest are vast. I am a black gay man whose interest range from politics to sports to photography to sex.

Right now my political side is in full throttle. People are constantly asking me who I support. I am registered as an Independent in Florida, an as Independent my constitutional right to participate in the primary has been taken away. Even though the Constitution of the United States did not empower political parties here in Florida you have to register as a member of a party( Is this communist Russia?) or wait until the general election to have your say. This year this disenfranchisement has cause me not to make a difficult choice. Of the three remaining candidates I am torn between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Most people assume that I would be for Barack but I am not that simple. Barack is a black man like myself but I am not sure what his policies would be. Is he a unifier or will he be ruled by the pervasive homophobia in the black community. I believe Hillary will be better for the homosexual community but I question how she will handle the disparity in economic is our society. The third candidate is just so pretty that it makes it hard for me to trust John Edward, the former lawyer for a Hedge Fund.

Sports is also consuming a large portion of my attention this time of the year. College and Pro basketball is just getting interesting. With the beginning of inter league play the ACC is standing on top of the hill with its two big giants, Duke and North Carolina not only looking like number one seeds for the tournament but possibly the final two. But in a league where Georgia Tech made NC play the full game anything can happen. In the pros the west is a power house as usual but the east has a few teams to be reckon with. The Celtics are as good as I thought they would be when they made their preseason trade, the Pistons are still one of the most seasoned veteran laden teams in the league and if the Cavaliers get one more piece this will be the best NBA season in years. And what about the Lakers? Surprise surprise watch out for a team with the best player in the league. Of course the Superbowl is next starring that adorable Tom Brady who is leading the team who cheated for who knows how long against the Manning II and the Gmen. I love football on many levels. The artistry, the physicality, and the men in tights. Its nice to see the guys on the field, mano y mano, some wearing cups and some obviously not. Its awesome. My favorite, Tony Romo ( he of cute dimples and no cup) has ended his season bu paying much more attention to his beard than the game. See you next year Romo.

We will get to my insatiable appetite for sexual life in a future posting. I have been sexual active since the age of 13 ( thanks to the Boys Club) and have never sensed that my desire has dropped one bit now that I am near 50.

Anyway I hope you will enjoy this blog in the future and converse with me, whether you agree with my ramblings or not.
